Праверка свядомасці
Дзякую Табе, Божа, што Ты заўсёды са мною, і асабліва за тое, што Ты побач зараз.
Божа, спашлі мне Свайго Духа.
Божа, дазволь Святому Духу асвятліць мой розум і распаліць маё сэрца, каб я ўсвядоміў, дзе і як мы былі разам у гэты дзень.
Божа, дай убачыць мой дзень.
Божа, дзе я адчуваў Тваю прысутнасць, бачыў Тваё аблічча, чуў Тваё слова ў гэты дзень?
Калі я ігнараваў Цябе, уцякаў ад Цябе, і можа нават адкідаў Цябе на працягу дня?
Божа, дазволь мне быць удзячным і папрасіць прабачэння.
Дзякую Табе, Божа, за ўсе моманты гэтага дня, калі мы былі разам, а таксама калі я мог працаваць разам з Табой.
Божа, прабач мне ўсё, чым я пакрыўдзіў Цябе, прабач усе мае правіны і занядбанні.
Божа, застанься побач.
Прашу Цябе, Божа, каб Ты дапамог мне быць яшчэ бліжэй да Сябе сёння і заўтра.
Божа, Ты – Бог майго жыцця. Дзякую Табе.
Ты ўчыніў цуд, Пане Езу Хрыстэ,
і я сябе не чую ад здзіўлення.
Мой дух ззяе Тваім уваскрасеннем.
Я ўсміхаюся і смяюся з Табой.
Я тану ва ўсмешках Тваіх сяброў.
Ты перамог, Пане, мы ведаем, што Ты перамог!
Ты зруйнаваў усё зло, якое мы здолелі зрабіць,
кожны сам і ўсе разам.
Ты знішчыў уладу цемры і смерці,
каб мы зноў маглі спакойна хадзіць у нашым целе,
цяпер і заўсёды.
Прыйдзі да мяне, Пане Жыцця,
як Ты прыходзіш да ўсіх Сваіх сяброў.
Пашлі мяне суцяшаць церпячых, якія навокал мяне.
Прыйдзі і пашлі Сваіх сяброў у гэты штодзенны свет
працаваць з надзеяй дзеля Валадарства Божага.
—Joseph A. Tetlow, SJ
You did a marvel, Lord Jesus Christ,
and make me feel beside myself in surprise.
My spirit glistens with Your rising.
I smile and smile with You.
I am drowning in the laughter of Your friends.
You have won, Lord, we know You have won!
You have defeated all the worst that we could do,
each alone and all together.
You crushed the powers of darkness and of death
to walk peacefully again in our flesh,
now and forever.
Come to me, great Lord of Life,
as You come to all Your friends.
Send me to console those around me who hurt.
Come, and send Your friends into this daily world
to labor full of hope for the Reign of God.
The Examen of Consciousnessand make me feel beside myself in surprise.
My spirit glistens with Your rising.
I smile and smile with You.
I am drowning in the laughter of Your friends.
You have won, Lord, we know You have won!
You have defeated all the worst that we could do,
each alone and all together.
You crushed the powers of darkness and of death
to walk peacefully again in our flesh,
now and forever.
Come to me, great Lord of Life,
as You come to all Your friends.
Send me to console those around me who hurt.
Come, and send Your friends into this daily world
to labor full of hope for the Reign of God.
—Joseph A. Tetlow, SJ
- See more at:
http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-spiritual-exercises/an-ignatian-prayer-adventure/week-2#sthash.ZWgdV3uj.dpufA Prayer to God
God, thank you.
I thank you, God, for always being with me, but especially I am grateful that you are with me right now.
God, send your Holy Spirit upon me.
God, let the Holy Spirit enlighten my mind and warm my heart that I may know where and how we have been together this day.
God, let me look at my day.
God, where have I felt your presence, seen your face, heard your word this day?
God, where have I ignored you, run from you, perhaps even rejected you this day?
God, let me be grateful and ask forgiveness.
God, I thank you for the times this day we have been together and worked together.
God, I am sorry for the ways that I have offended you by what I have done or what I did not do.
God, stay close.
God, I ask that you draw me ever closer to you this day and tomorrow.
God, you are the God of my life—thank you.
You did a marvel, Lord Jesus Christ,
and make me feel beside myself in surprise.
My spirit glistens with Your rising.
I smile and smile with You.
I am drowning in the laughter of Your friends.
You have won, Lord, we know You have won!
You have defeated all the worst that we could do,
each alone and all together.
You crushed the powers of darkness and of death
to walk peacefully again in our flesh,
now and forever.
Come to me, great Lord of Life,
as You come to all Your friends.
Send me to console those around me who hurt.
Come, and send Your friends into this daily world
to labor full of hope for the Reign of God.
—Joseph A. Tetlow, SJ
God, thank you.
I thank you, God, for always being with me, but especially I am grateful that you are with me right now.
God, send your Holy Spirit upon me.
God, let the Holy Spirit enlighten my mind and warm my heart that I may know where and how we have been together this day.
God, let me look at my day.
God, where have I felt your presence, seen your face, heard your word this day?
God, where have I ignored you, run from you, perhaps even rejected you this day?
God, let me be grateful and ask forgiveness.
God, I thank you for the times this day we have been together and worked together.
God, I am sorry for the ways that I have offended you by what I have done or what I did not do.
God, stay close.
God, I ask that you draw me ever closer to you this day and tomorrow.
God, you are the God of my life—thank you.
- See more at: http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/reflection-and-our-active-lives#sthash.bvc1D3au.dpuf
I thank you, God, for always being with me, but especially I am grateful that you are with me right now.
God, send your Holy Spirit upon me.
God, let the Holy Spirit enlighten my mind and warm my heart that I may know where and how we have been together this day.
God, let me look at my day.
God, where have I felt your presence, seen your face, heard your word this day?
God, where have I ignored you, run from you, perhaps even rejected you this day?
God, let me be grateful and ask forgiveness.
God, I thank you for the times this day we have been together and worked together.
God, I am sorry for the ways that I have offended you by what I have done or what I did not do.
God, stay close.
God, I ask that you draw me ever closer to you this day and tomorrow.
God, you are the God of my life—thank you.
- See more at: http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/reflection-and-our-active-lives#sthash.bvc1D3au.dpuf
A Prayer to God
God, thank you.
I thank you, God, for always being with me, but especially I am grateful that you are with me right now.
God, send your Holy Spirit upon me.
God, let the Holy Spirit enlighten my mind and warm my heart that I may know where and how we have been together this day.
God, let me look at my day.
God, where have I felt your presence, seen your face, heard your word this day?
God, where have I ignored you, run from you, perhaps even rejected you this day?
God, let me be grateful and ask forgiveness.
God, I thank you for the times this day we have been together and worked together.
God, I am sorry for the ways that I have offended you by what I have done or what I did not do.
God, stay close.
God, I ask that you draw me ever closer to you this day and tomorrow.
God, you are the God of my life—thank you.
- See more at: http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/reflection-and-our-active-lives#sthash.bvc1D3au.dpuf
God, thank you.
I thank you, God, for always being with me, but especially I am grateful that you are with me right now.
God, send your Holy Spirit upon me.
God, let the Holy Spirit enlighten my mind and warm my heart that I may know where and how we have been together this day.
God, let me look at my day.
God, where have I felt your presence, seen your face, heard your word this day?
God, where have I ignored you, run from you, perhaps even rejected you this day?
God, let me be grateful and ask forgiveness.
God, I thank you for the times this day we have been together and worked together.
God, I am sorry for the ways that I have offended you by what I have done or what I did not do.
God, stay close.
God, I ask that you draw me ever closer to you this day and tomorrow.
God, you are the God of my life—thank you.
- See more at: http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/reflection-and-our-active-lives#sthash.bvc1D3au.dpuf
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